Gulf South Mycological Society
The Gulf South Mycological Society is a non-profit scientific and educational organization formed to promote the appreciation and study of the diversified fungal flora of the Gulf Coast region by amateur and professional mycologists. Society activities have resulted in the naming of many species previously unknown to science. The Society is affiliated with the non-profit North American Mycological Association, a 501(c) (3) organization.
The Gulf Coast region of the United States produces an outstanding variety of fungi and mushrooms. There are two main fruiting seasons: spring-summer and fall-winter. Frequent afternoon rains may produce an abundant mix of temperate and tropical species, including Agaricus, Amanita, Armillaria, Auricularia, Boletus, Cantharellus (chanterelles), Cortinarius, Hericium, Lactarius, Pleurotus (oysters), Pluteus, Lycoperdon (puffballs), Russula, Suillus, and Tricholoma.
The Society conducts two major forays a year (weekend events), usually in mid-July and early December. Mushroom walks (one day events) are held during the year, usually on Saturdays. Activities are planned from Texas to Florida, and members are notified of events by newsletter or email. A newsletter is published three times a year to inform members of past and upcoming events, topics of interest, and species lists of fungi found. The annual dues for the Society are $15.00 per person or $20.00 per family, payable upon joining or in January. Inquiries should be directed to the Society's treasurer: Treasurer - GSMYCO, 1213 National St., Vicksburg, MS 39180; Phone (832) 316-0838;