Annual dues for the Society are $15 for single, or $20 for family, membership payable upon joining or in January.
A newsletter is published three times a year to inform members of past and upcoming events, and topics of interest.
You can also have a discounted membership to NAMA through us. You can pay $25 (electronic delivery) or $40 (mail delivery). To do so, you need to write separate checks. For details see GSMS Application form below or right.
Treasurer - GSMYCO
1213 National St.
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Inquiries should be directed to the Society's treasurer:
Phone: (832) 316-0838
Prefer to print your membership form?
Click on this link below to download membership application form. Print, sign and mail it together with a check.

Chlorophyllum molibdites ©JLMata